Friday, December 27, 2019

Engineer sentenced to 40 months in prison for role in VW emissions scandal

Engineer sentenced to 40 months in prison for role in VW emissions scandalEngineer sentenced to 40 months in prison for role in VW emissions scandalThe defense of I welches just doing what my anfhrer told me to doesnt work in court, as one engineer found out.This past Friday, engineer James Liang got sentenced to 40 months in prison for his role in the Volkswagen emissions fraud scandal. As a Volkswagen engineer, Liang helped to develop the software that allowed the German automaker to cheat on federal emissions tests and emit up to 40 times the allowed levels of pollutants for a decade.Being loyal to your boss will still send you to jailIn Liangs defense, his lawyer said that Liang was leid a mastermind but an employee who blindly executed a misguided loyalty to his employer, according to Reuters. The federal judge hearing Liangs case didnt buy this argument.Your cooperation and regret is noted, but it doesnt excuse the conduct, U.S. District Court Judge Sean Cox said, fining Liang for $200,000 and sentencing him to more than three years in prison. This is a harsher sentence than what federal prosecutors had recommended for Liang, who had reached a plea deal and had been cooperating with investigators for months.The judge said the harsher sentence was a deterrent to anyone else who would think of a similar scheme.This sentence sends a strong message of deterrence to automotive engineers and executives who should think twice before knowingly breaking United States laws for the benefit of their employer, acting U.S. Attorney Daniel L. Lemisch said about the ruling.Liangs sentencing has wider implications for the engineering industry at large, and serves as a reminder that coding is not a neutral activity. Software development is embedded with the biases of its creators, for good or ill purposes.Liangs fate also serves as a more reminder to not be blindly loyal to your employer. Go into your job with eyes open. If you recognize unethical behavior, take regular no tes of whats said or not said, so that you have evidence to show later to higher-ups like human resources, or in extreme cases, court.There have been similar cases in the past that show that courts do not look kindly on the my boss told me to do it excuse.In 2014, former Goldman Sachs banker Fabrice Tourre - who had bragged in emails to friends that he was the Fabulous Fab - was fined $825,000 by the Securities and Exchange Commission and found liable for defrauding investors during the financial crisis by helping to create toxic mortgage securities. Tourres lawyers had argued that that the midlevel banker was not responsible for Goldmans actions or the financial crisis, but it didnt convince the court.Keeping your head down and following orders is a weak defense when it comes time for judgment. It didnt excuse Liang of his role in VWs fraud, it didnt absolve Tourre at Goldman Sachs, and it likely wont excuse you.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

My Engineers Notebook Paige Balcom

My Engineers Notebook Paige Balcom My Engineers Notebook Paige Balcom My Engineers Notebook Paige BalcomASME student member Paige Balcom, of Londonderry, N.H., is a mechanical engineer and the recipient of a Fulbright Program grant, which enabled zu sich to travel to Uganda this month to begin nine months of research. While there, Paige will study the cultural and technical feasibility of aquaponics - the raising of fish and vegetation in a symbiotic environment - in rural, northern Uganda. You can follow her work on her blog, Paige plans to begin pursuing a masters degree and a doctorate in mechanical engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, in the fall of 2017. Paige, who was the winner of the 2016 Willis F. Thompson Memorial Scholarship, served in the ASME Washington D.C. Office as a Washington Internships for Students of Engineering (WISE) intern during the summer of 2015. She participated in the Fulbright Wales Summer Institute in 2014, an d is the recipient of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, the Chancellors Fellowship from UC Berkeley, and a Tau Beta Pi Fellow award, among many other honors. She received her bachelors degree in mechanical engineering from the University of New Hampshire (UNH) earlier this year and was named UNH Woman of the Year.Whats inside your engineers notebook?My notebook contains notes from lots of student org meetings, conferences, and classes. I like to color code my class notes with different pens so theyre easier to follow. I also jot down data and ideas when I run experiments or conduct research.Paige BalcomWhose notebook would you most like to peek into? Why?I would like to peek into Dr. Van Careys notebook because hes going to be my graduate research advisor at UC Berkeley. He heads Berkeleys Energy and Multiphase Transport Laboratory.How and when did you know you wanted to become an engineer?In high school, I went on a mission trip to Haiti with my church. I remember seeing a woman bending down over a spigot struggling to fill her bucket with water, and I thought, If the faucets piping was changed, that womans job would be so much easier. That scene inspired me to become an engineer and use technology to improve peoples lives in developing countries.Whats the most exciting project youve ever worked on?For my senior capstone project, a friend and I started a new group called Project OASIS (Optimizing Aquaponic Systems to Improve Sustainability). Our goal was to entwurf an energy-efficient aquaponic system for use in developing countries. Aquaponics is growing fish and vegetables in water in a symbiotic relationship where the fish waste provides nutrients to the plants, and the bacteria and plants filter the water so the fish can survive. Our OASIS team partnered with an NGO in Costa Rica to build an aquaponic system in a town that cant grow vegetables because of their poor soil. We conducted full-scale experiments and used computationa l fluid dynamics (CFD) to make the system more energy efficient and used recycled and locally available materials to decrease the cost. We also developed a business model to make the project self-supporting. We designed a home aquaponic garden for American consumers to grow fresh vegetables in their homes, and the profits will fund our Costa Rica project. I just presented our research and business model at the International Social Innovation Research Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, and now Im headed to Uganda on a Fulbright research grant to continue working on aquaponics. Ill investigate the cultural, technical, and economic feasibility of using aquaponics in Uganda to address food security issues and economic hardship.What do you think youd be doing if you hadnt become an engineer?I considered becoming a patent attorney, but after shadowing one, I decided they had to write too much.The Project OASIS team members with the test aquaponics system they built at the University of New Hampshire. The teams members, from left to right, are Dr. Todd Guerdat, the teams advisor, Mikalah Little, Sid Nigam, Will Taveras, Allison Wood and Paige Balcom.Whats your favorite activity when youre not working?I love being outside, and growing up in New Hampshire, I enjoy new activities with every season. I especially enjoy hiking, skiing, playing pond hockey, kayaking, and camping.Was there a book or a movie that piqued your interest in science or inspired you to become an engineer?I wasnt inspired by a book or movie, but I spent a lot of time in FIRST Lego League growing up. Our team built and programmed LEGO robots to autonomously accomplish missions, learned teamwork skills, and created inventions, such as an algae to biofuel system, a water filtration system, and an anti-distracted driving device called the SMARTwheel. I really enjoyed problem-solving and designing solutions to improve society, so I decided to study mechanical engineering.Who are your heroes, either within the engineering profession or in the rest of your life?My family is a huge inspiration to me my mom and dad have always given me wise advice and encouraged me to reach high and seek new adventures. I also look up to Pradip Sarmah he reinvented rickshaws in India to make them safer and cheaper. He also established the Rickshaw Bank to enable drivers to own ansicht new rickshaws themselves rather than rent and be caught in a cycle of debt. Rickshaw Banks are now spreading across India and Asia and creating meaningful, lasting change.Whats the most meaningful or rewarding aspect of being connected to engineering?I find engineering rewarding because I get to solve problems and improve peoples lives. Engineering can help provide clean water, adequate food, power, education, and health care to people around the world. All humans deserve these basic life necessities, and engineering can help make them a reality.What does ASME mean to you?ASME has helped develop me professionally. Last su mmer, I interned in the ASME Washington D.C. office as part of the WISE program, where I learned about the intersection of engineering and public policy. When I presented my research at the ASME IMECE conference, I was able to meet people who were experienced in my field. Especially as a student and young professional, it was really helpful to get their advice and mentorship.Engineering can help provide clean water, adequate food, power, education, and health care to people around the world. All humans deserve these basic life necessities, and engineering can help make them a reality.Paige Balcom

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Non-invasive Technology Finds Coronary Artery Blockage

Non-invasive Technology Finds Coronary Artery Blockage Non-invasive Technology Finds Coronary Artery Blockage Non-invasive Technology Finds Coronary Artery BlockageNew visualization software could provide a faster, more accurate, and safer method to diagnose blockage in coronary artery flow and reduce the number of unnecessary stents now used to prop open arteries. The ordnungsprinzip also showcases the growing importance of engineering models in medical devices.CathWorks, an Israel company with U.S. operations based in California, recently raised $30 million after the Food and Drug Administration approved its FFRangio system, one of the first commercially available noninvasive technologies for visualizing blockages in heart arteries.We have proven that this method of analysis through our clinical research provides a more complete picture of coronary artery physiology, said Jim Corbett, CEO of CathWorks.Coronary heart disease, caused by narrowing or obstruction of heart arteries, aff ects as many as 16.8 million people in the United States.Read about Career Options in BioengineeringInnovations in Biomaterials Create New Roles for Engineers An orthogonal angiographic projection of the left coronary tree (top), and three-dimensional functional angiography mapping (bottom). Image CathWorksAn orthogonal angiographic projection of the left coronary tree (top), and three-dimensional functional angiography mapping (bottom). Image CathWorksPhysicians typically test people for coronary artery disease using a coronary angiogram. After injecting a contrast dye visible in an X-ray into the blood vessels of the patients heart, an X-ray machine rapidly takes a series of images (angiograms).These are visually assessed for potential blood vessel blockages. If there is evidence of a blockage, the surgeon will perform a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), a procedure that uses a catheter to place a stent to open up narrowed blood vessels.Unfortunately, visual assessments have their limits. A 2009New England Journal of Medicinestudy, known as the FAME Trial, noted that 30 percent of patients who had stents implanted after visual assessments did not actually need the procedure.The researchers knew this because they evaluated those patients with a technique called fractional flow reserve. It relies on a pressure-sensing guidewire fed through a catheter to the blockage. When placed across the blockage, the wire measures the difference in blood pressure between the entrance and exit. If the blood pressure is significantly reduced, the blockage would be a good candidate for PCI.The FAME trial found that fractional flow reserve, also called FFR, is more accurate in determining blockages that restrict flow and require intervention. Yet the procedure was used in fewer than 20 percent of interventions. This is because it requires more time than an angiogram and inserting a catheter into the artery, which is both risky and expensive. Also, wire-ba sed FFR requires intravenous adenosine, which increases blood flow to the heart but is uncomfortable for patients.Read another exclusive Healthcare-related story from ASME6 Ways Engineers Heal a Broken HeartCathWorks new FFRangio device uses mechanical models of the coronary artery system to combine the best of angiograms and FFR. Although not invasive, it is nearly as fast as an angiogram and achieves the same accuracy as FFR.The system fits into existing medical imaging workflow and produces a color-coded map of FFR values that is easy for physicians to read. Unlike conventional FFR, which works in only one schauplatz, FFRangio can identify issues throughout the coronary artery system.FFRangio starts by taking several angiograms of the coronary artery system from multiple angles. This generates a series of two-dimensional black-and-white images, which the software automatically stitches together into a three-dimensional reconstruction of the coronary arterial tree.The software ass esses the model to determine the centerlines and boundaries of the arterial walls, then analyzes them for narrowing or obstructions. It does this at different scales, looking at artery segments, entire branches, and junctions where the artery branches off into secondary or tertiary branches. This enables a fluid dynamics model to estimate the flow resistance throughout the entire system and apply FFR values to the system.The result is a report with three-dimensional, rotatable, full-color images coded by the degree of arterial flow restriction. Listen to the latest episode of ASME TechCastBreakthrough Could Bring New Cancer TreatmentThe procedure takes about five minutes on average, including about two minutes of computational processing time and about three minutes of user interface. Its speed enables surgeons to use it while patients are still on the table to see if a stent has effectively propped open the artery.A wire-based FFR can identify a lesion in just one location in the a rtery. But FFRangio software allows the operator to view potential lesions in different locations along the artery. The FFRangio console cursor can be adjusted to view the full length of the arterial tree, millimeter by millimeter, including the diameter of the artery throughout, said Corbett. You can also rotate the artery tree with the cursor and locate any artery in the tree you want. And you can view whether or not the coronary flow is adequate in all locations.CathWorks has started early commercialization efforts in California, focusing on training physicians and staff in the state.John H. Tibbets in an independent writer.Read Latest Exclusive Stories from ASME.orgYoung Engineer Takes Great Strides with Prosthetic FootArtificial and 3D-Printed Skin Advances for Robots, HumansTiny Gyroscope Aims to Improve Wearable, Nano Technology

Friday, December 13, 2019

What to Say In Your Interview Thank-You Email or Call

What to Say In Your Interview Thank-You Email or CallWhat to Say In Your Interview Thank-You Email or CallYou just returned from the job bewerberinterview and you know you need to thank the hiring manager for the meeting. But what exactly should you say? Heres what you need to know.When it comes to following up after an interview, a survey by Accountemps found that managers prefer an interview thank-you email or call by an 8-1 margin over a text. So, save that overly casual nice 2 meet with U 2day text for conversations with your friends.Here are some tips for an effective interview thank-you note or callGet moving. Whatever form of communication you choose, you want to offer your thanks within 24 hours of the interview.Keep it brief. An interview thank-you email should be no more than two paragraphs long and a phone call should only run a few minutes.Remind the person why youre great. Bring up points from the conversation you had with the hiring manager. For example, if a prospectiv e employer stressed that the position calls for knowledge of PowerPoint, use your thank-you to remind the person that youve worked with this application before. For example, My experience updating PowerPoint presentations for our sale team the past four years would be an ideal match to your need for PowerPoint expertise. You might also personalize the thank-you to mention any commonalities, such as a shared business connection or personal interest.Smooth over any issues. The interview thank-you note or call is your chance to address any concerns the hiring manager expressed, especially if you were unable to do so in the interview. Perhaps the interviewer was worried about your lack of industry-specific experience, and during the interview you forgot to mention a temporary position you held in the sector. You can bring it up, along with a few points about how that experience contributed to your knowledge of or interest in the field.Thank everyone. If you interviewed with more than on e hiring manager, youll want to thank each person. Send emails to or call specific individuals, even if you have to do some research to uncover the spelling of someones personenname or locate his or her contact information. Also make sure you dont say the same thing to everyone hiring managers often compare notes.What is your preferred method of contacting interviewers after you meet? Do you call or send an interview thank-you email? Or perhaps you prefer the more traditional handwritten note?Related ArticlesA Recruiter Tells All Why You Didnt Get the JobWant Your Writing Skills to Impress? Use This ChecklistThe Write Stuff 5 Steps to Building Your Written Communication Skills

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Tried and True Method for Project Manager Resume Summary in Step by Step Detail

The Tried and True Method for Project Manager Resume Summary in Step by Step Detail Top Project Manager Resume Summary Choices First and foremost, you have to have the confidence and the leadership qualities to find the project done in time. You can write about your key accomplishments with every one of the more important projects handled. Secondly, you should ascertain if you possess knowledge and abilities outside project management in that area. The way the Pre-Planning and Pre-Operating stages are managed will help determine the introduction of the undertaking. Where to Find Project Manager Resume Summary If you are searching for Brief Career Summary Sample youve come to the correct place. To start with, it has to be in a position to earn a jaw-dropping summary nearby the top of page one. The Gantt Chart is going to be the reference point on the development of the undertaking. To determine nearly all graphics inside Authentic Army 25b Resume photos gallery make koranver s that you abide by that site link. So when you start preparing your resume, make certain you compose a resume summary that is related to the kind of position you have applied for. Once you locate the right resume you could use, the next step is going to be to go through the work description and the requirements necessary for the post youre applying for. A resume is often looked at as merely a page of facts, but should you dont rush and, look at a Resume Example, you will observe it has some basic components that look essential for everybody. Cover letters which match the amount of professionalism of your resume can often give an advantage over other prospective candidates. Resume summary statements have replaced resume objectives in the current job market as they offer you a flexible format which allows for the inclusion of several different project management achievements. You need to be able to budget realistically, and be conscious of any possible financial pitfalls. No other details are essential, especially if the jobseeker graduated some time ago. The path to landing your perfect dream job is achievable and definitely possible especially in case you have a great resume on hand. Resume is being regarded as a potent tool to market oneself for a specific job prospect. Locating a well-put-together resume example may be a huge assistance to you as you are working to craft the perfect resume for yourself. A project manager is a fundamental portion of the infrastructure of any organization. A synonym for manager might be superintendent. A manager is somebody that has a good deal of responsibility to his staff and the corporation. If youre an assistant manager whos seeking to be a shift manager, then you are going to require a management resume that shows off your value to the company, and a management resume that shows your professional development also. Like a first date, its crucial to produce a first good impression in regards to writing a resume. Simply speaking, your career summary is critical to getting noticed. Thoughts revolving around what you would like to do in your career will lead to the response to the most essential question. You should make certain youve dressed appropriately for the interview. On the flip side, functional resumes are generally used by fresh graduates or individuals who have less experience but want to grab the work vacancy. Remember that employers might already have a feeling of job duties, particularly if theyre all in the identical field, and instead need to see something which impresses them and makes you stand out. An analytical thinker who works collaboratively to have the job finished. Get the job that you deserve, not the one youre stuck in. Even better, also receive a third-party to proofread your resume. Use facts and figures from the particular projects you have been able to show what youve accomplished.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How would you quit your job

How would you quit yur job How would you quit your job?Posted October 3, 2013, by Andrea Riddell Forget about two weeks notice or your standard resignation letter. When Marina Shifrin decided she wanted to quit, she decided to do it a little differently. Dance-quitting her way through Kanye Wests Gone, Shifrin made her feelings clear in a video that has now gone viral. Not wanting to be left unheard, Shifrins former company, Next Media Animation, put together their own video response advertising that theyre now hiring. But what does this mean for Shifrins future job prospects? Is it wise to burn your professional bridges? One thing is for sure a resignation video wont cut it for a lot of industries. If youre finding it difficult to pen your notice of intention to leave, then check out our resignation letter templates. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources Offic erGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice Administrator CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineAndrea RiddellRelated ArticlesBrowse moreWORKFORCE TRENDSGrass looks greener to one third of Australian workersOne third of Australian workers are planning to change jobs, according to a recent Hay Group survey.Study tipsSmart Snacking Foods Thatll Give Your Brain a BoostNext time its time to hit the books be sure to have a range of smart snacks on hand to help boost your brain and satisfy your belly.Turn beer into a careerYou will remember Dr Chuck Hahn from Career FAQs Weird & Wonderful, the book that takes you on a white-knuckle ride through the world of wacky work.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

How Engineers Can Resolve Conflict and Save Their Business

How Engineers Can Resolve Conflict and Save Their Business How Engineers Can Resolve Conflict and Save Their Business How Engineers Can Resolve Conflict and Save Their BusinessMark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Saverin. Jamie Dimon and Sandy Weill. Lennon and McCartney.Each of these successful business lebensabschnittsgefhrteships broke up, bedrngnis because of philosophical differences, but because of interpersonal conflict. How can savvy business partners prevent their conflicts from devastating their businesses before its too late?Hal and David, two founding partners of a fast-growing engineering startup, approached us to help them resolve their conflicts. They claimed they would dissolve the firm if they couldnt reduce the tension between them.Hal tried to convince us that Dave was trying to take over the firm because Dave callumineszenzdiode a few large clients when Hal was on vacation. Then Dave tried to convince us that Hal was plotting against him by discussing sensitive topics with their staff before weekly meetings.There are three critical steps that business partners and other senior leaders can take to reduce unnecessary flashpoints and get on with building their businesses.For You Engineers Fighting Depression Shouldnt Go It AloneMara Goldberg, a co-founder of Marigold Mediation, a consulting firm dedicated to helping organizations build healthy relationships. Image Marigold MediationBefore dealing with sensitive interpersonal issues, its crucial to isolate the areas of friction and improve those processes and systems that become flashpoints for conflict. For instance, Hals and Davids client intake procedure hadnt changed despite the firm doubling in size in a short time. Whoever answered the phone got the client and the credit. This caused competition and confusion. So, we established a more equitable process.They also struggled with decision-making around marketing and staff supervision. We clarified their roles to fit their natural strengths Hal took t he lead on marketing, while Dave took the lead on staff supervision. This helped the staff know which partner to come to for what issues.Clarifying processes and roles lowers the temperature, enabling antagonists to more safely address the deeper part of conflict management personality tension.We asked Hal and Dave to each tell a story about something their partner did that upset them. Both stories mirrored each other, where one was victim, the other villain. Each revealed an underlying fear of losing control.We all laughed together when they realized how much they had in common it was only when their feelings of control were threatened that they became upset. Over the next month, they shared their stories when they became annoyed by the others behavior. We also explored different narratives of the same event.At our next meeting Hal and Dave were more relaxed. They had learned to separate their observations from their judgments, and own their stories. They said it felt like the good old days.But their optimism was short-lived.Difficult conflicts fester over time when they arent dealt with directly. Expecting them to disappear overnight is unrealistic. People backslide when negative events trigger old feelings.Predictably, Hal and Dave had some quarrels to discuss in our next meeting. But in contrast to earlier sessions, their demeanors were calm and they were open to understanding their partners perspective. This conversation led to an agreement to meet every Friday to provide ongoing feedback.That was when we knew they were on the right path.They are still having those weekly meetings, and are still in business 10 months later.Hal and Dave are like many executives well-intentioned people who react strongly when they feel threatened. But unlike many other leaders, they didnt sweep their conflicts under the rug until it was too late.The first step to sustainable conflict resolution is to remove the underlying friction points. This lowers the temperature. Second , to reveal that the stories we tell ourselves when we are upset are mostly self-serving and often inaccurate. And finally, to ensure that two-way feedback mechanisms are in place to sustain the renewed, healthy relationship.Read More Artificial and 3D-Printed Skin Advances for Robots, Humans The Rise from BattleBot to Corporate Robot 3D-Printed Cement Improves Crack Resistance

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The one question you should ask before doing anything

The one question you should ask before doing anythingThe one question you should ask before doing anythingI recently developed what I would consider a healthy obsession with the poetry ofNayyirah Waheed. Ive never been a poetry-reading person- making room only for the occasional Rumi- which is somewhat ironic since my first name (Ozan) is Turkish for poet. Yet, the simplicity of Waheeds poems- and her healthy disregard for poetrys traditional rules- struck a deep chord with me.Consider this onewouldyou still want to travel tothatcountryif you could not take a camera with you?Theres a broader way of posing the same question. Would you still do that thing youre thinking about doing if you couldnt deutsche post dhl it on social media, if you couldnt showcase it for friends and family- if no one else would ever know about it?We often fall in love with a destination, but not the path.We dont want to climb a mountain. We want tohaveclimbed a mountain.We dont want to write a book. We want t ohavewritten a book.We dont want to landsee India. We want other people to see us see India.In high school, I took two years of reluctant German. This past year, we spent nearly six months living in Nuremberg, and I thought Id pick German back up. I slogged through Duolingo lessons, trying to parse the intricacies of German grammar and memorize the articles that go with each word. But halfway through the summer, it hit me I had no interest in learning German. I wanted tohavelearned German. I was like a marathoner who hated running but craved the high of the finish line. So, I saidAuf Wiedersehenand stopped.Theres a question that frequently shows up in self-help booksWhat would you do if you knew that you could not fail?This is the wrong question to ask. Instead, doas Elizabeth Gilbert does, and flip the question on its head What would you do even if you knew that you might very well fail? What do you love doing so much that the words failure and success essentially become irrelevant ?This requires pivoting our focus from the outcome to the process. If you want to climb a mountain, imagine training with your backpack on, hiking at high altitudes to get used to the low-oxygen environment, climbing stairs to build up muscle, and running to improve cardiovascular endurance. If you want to write a book, imagine sitting in front of your computer every single day for two years putting one awkward word after the next, writing one ghastly draft chapter after another, polishing, tweaking, and retweaking- even if you dont feel like it- with no recognition or accolades.If you go through this exercise, and the idea seems less like a picnic and more like a medieval torture technique, then stop. If any of this seems strangely fun to you- as writing does to me- then by all means, go for it. With this reorientation, you also condition yourself to derive intrinsic value from the process rather than chasing elusive outcomes.I love this quote from Andrea Dworkin Does the sun ask i tself, Am I good? Am I worthwhile? Is there enough of me? No, it burns and it shines. Does the sun ask itself, What does the moon think of me? How does Mars feel about me today? No it burns, it shines. Does the sun ask itself, Am I as big as other suns in other galaxies? No, it burns, it shines.Youll know youre on the right path when burning and shining is good enough for you- even if no one can see you in all your bright glory.Ozan Varol is a rocket scientist turned law professor and bestselling author.Click hereto download a free copy of his e-book, The Contrarian Handbook 8 Principles for Innovating Your Thinking. Along with your free e-book, youll get the Weekly Contrarian - a newsletter that challenges conventional wisdom and changes the way we look at the world (plus access to exclusive content for subscribers only).Thisarticlefirst appeared

Thursday, November 21, 2019

3 Elevator Speeches for the Job Hunt

3 Elevator Speeches for the Job Hunt3 Elevator Speeches for the Job HuntThe elevator speech - everybody says you should have one when youre on the job hunt. But what exactly are you supposed to say to make your pitch memorable and effective?At the one moment when your words matter most, its all too easy to get tongue-tied. The best way to overcome nervousness is to plan your elevator speech and practice until you can deliver it effortlessly. But before you start crafting the perfect pitch, you need to find ways to tailor it to your current job search. Analyze the type of role youd like and the kind of company you feel would be most ideal.Also, keep in mind that while its called an elevator speech, youre most likely not going to be in a small confined space when you need to use it. You may be at a conference, a networking event or even a weekend barbecue. You never know when you might bump into a hiring manager or potential employer. Get ready now so you wont be left speechless when opportunity knocks. A persuasive introduction delivered with skill might just pave the path to your next interview.Here are three elevator speech examples to consider the next time someone opens a conversation with the question What do you do?Robert Half has been helping job seekers find great career opportunities since 1948. Enlist our placement specialists to find the right job for you.GET HELP FINDING WORKElevator speech example 1 Explain your benefitsThe benefits-focused elevator pitch is structured something like this I do X for Y to achieve Z.All you need to do is fill in the blanks. How you fill them in depends on your career and the type of role you want. Just make aya youve crafted the pitch so that the benefit, Z, sounds as strong and compelling as possible. Show that you are a proven problem solver. Keep it simple and steer clear of buzzwords and jargon that could muddle your message.So, a senior accountant meeting a financial executive might start out by saying, I overse e the accounts of medium-size retailers to give them the information they need to make the right business decisions.Elevator speech example 2 Tell your storyPeople not only enjoy stories, they are also mora likely to retain the information later on. A short storytelling elevator pitch is delivered in three concise acts What you did, what youre doing now and where you want to go next. Use each part to express your most relevant professional experience and ambitions in the context of how they relate to your job hunt.Dive into this brief blog post with storyteller Paul Smith, who explains the importance of crafting a nutshell narrative - professionally speaking.For example, an experienced data specialist might say, I fell in love with technology after winning a programming contest in eighth grade. That led to a degree in computer science, and Ive now worked in IT for eight years. I recently wrapped up a contract as a senior data analyst with a big bioinformatics company, and Im now lo oking for opportunities with other large medical data organizations.Elevator speech example 3 Target your marketOne thing youll want to include in your pitch is a clear message about the job market niche that interests you. In our first example, the target niche was accounts in medium-size retailers. In the second example, it was data analyst and a large medical data company.To bring your target market to the forefront of your elevator pitch, try this example I work with Y organizations by doing X to achieve Z. A graphic designer might begin with something like I work closely with clothing designers to create original graphics to make their marketing and advertising programs more effective.Once youve prepared your 30-second speech around the role and company profiles you want to target, start practicing. You might even record yourself on video to time yourself and make sure you come across as confident and relaxed. Asking friends or family members for feedback is another good idea.U pdate your speech or subtly tailor it as your career interests change. Doing so will help you to make a great impression, expand your opportunities and, eventually, bring your job hunt to a successful ending.Robert Half can help you stay up to date on the latest job market trends, spot opportunities and dodge obstacles in your professional path. Read our blog.